Monday, May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017

I know it is widely frowned upon for someone to say use the lords name in vein but honestly thats all that s left for me to say after what has transpired over the past few months. Ok so first things first i was in Texas living with my grandparents and well...... that went to shit right there at the end. I only had maybe a month and some change and i was going to head back to Tennessee. Well i was staying with my grandparents and they way things went down they separated and pretty much i didn't want to make things even more awkward so i was like im going home, DUCES. So after a week of straight up hell and so much other family stuff i was returning to my refuge in the mountain valleys of Tennessee.
Well not going to lie i went crazy. In Texas i was pretty much in a prison cell and didn't have that much freedom so once i got home and realized i had all the freedom in the world i was gone. I partied everyday for a couple weeks. Once that ended i had a serious talk and realized i was running from so much stuff and that if i didnt make myself face it then i would just be damaging myself in the long run so right about the time i decide to start working on myself i ended up fuc****g myself over by getting a speeding ticket at 1 in the mourning...90 in a 45. i wasn't racing just passing a car and well i got caught. So now im dealing with that. Besides the fact that im just spiraling out of control i can feel myself getting lost and i don't know what to do. i want to be the old me that everyone knows and loves but honestly i dont know who that is anymore.
Im dealing with stuff and i guess talking about it on here helps me out im glad no one is reading this cause that would be weird for me lol thanks blog for hlpeing me out.... till next time i'll see y'all on the flip side.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday March 3, 2017

Today is the day that I start the ever lasting endeavor that is crating a blog and keeping it going. Being that i have chosen to make on this my own because i have a laptop and time to waste and i somewhat like to type i have decided to just create by let my imagination run wild and flow. After about 30 seconds of my imagination running wild i was left with an empty mind and a question. "why is 30 seconds a really long time when your doing nothing but thinking." So with nothing in mind i have decided to create this and just talk about my day and what all has happened, but for y'all to make sense of my life i will give you little information before hand and the rest you'll find out along the way. I am a 17 year old boy that was born in Texas moved to Tennessee when i was 10 and moved back 7 years later so that i now currently reside in Texas. I am living with my grandparents because i wanted a change in life just for a year to make new life experiences.
I would give you an entire rundown of my day but who wants to read that. In short today was alright lol. The only bad thing is that I got into it with a teacher that i can not stand, for privacy reasons we'll call her 4th Period. This lady just likes to nag and pick and B!*#h about every little thing. Anyways after her being ridiculous about STAPLING a paper I left her class. Who makes a big deal about stapling a paper like wtf. Anyways besides that fact today has been good and now i'm studying for a math competition that i'm in tomorrow. All in All this has been a fun start so lets see if i can upload...till next time maybe lol